Our Pack of Dachshunds

I thought I would take some time to introduce our pack (before Rhiannon was added).
As you might have seen in the photos, we have 3 short-haired miniature black and tans, Gibbs, Abi, and their daughter Sophie, along with an English Cream, Chloe. I am sharing photos on this post that only include all 4 dogs. I will write more posts about each individual dachshund later.
When we are in the house, our dogs love laying around with us, or playing together (ok, mostly laying around). The word “puppachino” can get them running to the kitchen in under 2 seconds!
When we are hanging out in the backyard, they love chasing the ducks, barking at… pretty much anything, and can sometimes be coerced into the pool. Abi actually likes swimming, if our son is in the pool!
One of their favorite places to go (and ours too) is to our sailboat in California. They LOVE the view – 360 degrees of things to bark at! Chloe does not bark, unless she really wants someone to play with her. We are still hoping she will teach the other 3 to keep quiet 🙂 (Our boat neighbors are too!) Our sailboat is docked at a marina with the bow into the dock. They love running up to the front and barking at whoever is walking by; especially if they have dogs! Luckily, when they are on the bow they are up much higher, and the HUGE German Shepherd that lives a few boats down cannot reach them : } If we are not sailing, kayaking, or running around in the dinghy (which the dogs love), we are sitting in the cockpit watching all the activity in the bay. When we are under sail, the dogs all wear life-vests, even though the 3 black-and-tans usually prefer to go down below to their kennel. Chloe likes to stay up top to be with us.
We are looking forward to introducing Rhiannon to boat life soon! As you can see, all of our dogs are truly members of our family. If we must take a trip without them, then we always get a house sitter to come and watch them so they can be at ease.
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